Fresh Flower Easter Centerpiece

Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a penny-pincher and live for the thrill of finding deals and new ways to save money. $11 is all it took to create this cute Easter centerpiece, using items from the local dollar store, a vase from under my sink and a few fresh flowers from the grocery store. (Hint: you might even have some FREE flowers to use from your own backyard to make it even cheaper!)

This simple and inexpensive Easter bouquet can be used as a centerpiece or decorative touch to any room on this special holiday.

This simple and inexpensive Easter bouquet can be used as a centerpiece or decorative touch to any room on this special holiday.

Chances are, from Easter’s past, you probably have almost everything you need to create this adorable Easter bouquet for free. Think about it…most of us have an old flower vase under the sink, we have that tote of Easter baskets, decor, and fake grass. Some of us even have fresh flowers growing in our yards or flower beds, such as daffodils or tulips. (Note: Please don’t steal any from your neighbor’s yard!)

Just in case you don’t have time to scroll through my step-by-step instructions, here is an instructional video that may help: (enjoy!)


Step-by-Step photo instructions:


Materials needed:

  • Easter basket

  • Easter grass

  • Vase

  • Water

  • Fresh flowers (but fake is fine)

  • Decoration, such as a cute bunny stake (optional)


Add water to vase, then flowers.

Carefully insert vase with flowers into the middle of Easter basket.


Add fake Easter Grass evenly in-between the vase and the Easter basket.


Insert the bunny stake or any other cute Easter decoration you may have, into the grass.

You’re done! Easy and cheap, but totally adorable!

Fresh flowers in the house just bring a smile to my face!

Fresh flowers in the house just bring a smile to my face!




Julie Butler

Hi, I’m Julie Butler with Inspiration Apron, a blog full of delicious recipes, mouth-watering photographs, fun crafts and travel inspiration. I’m a southern girl, North Carolina is my home state and I’ve got some southern classics and vintage family recipes along with new and exciting creations. Enjoy!

Kentucky Derby Hats


Easter Grass Centerpiece